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Everything Yoga

Do you prefer random positions or routines in yoga practice?


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User_female Shikasta12


Document Do you prefer random positions or routines in yoga practice? Skrevet 8. juli 2008 21.58
10 Fra: Frankfurt
Innlegg: 5
Medlem: 30253
I have been doing the same routine for years and I just love it....I have a home practice only and sometimes I'm sore and I'm still not as flexible as I want but it's coming. How about you? Do you prefer a regular identifiable routine or do you just do what you want in the moment?

User_female patbear


Document Re: Do you prefer random positions or routines in yoga practice? Skrevet 3. september 2008 18.47
25295 Fra: Maybrook
Innlegg: 1
Medlem: 25295
I prefer random routines when I practice my yoga. I normally use 3 different DVD's, but on occasion I practice positions just to stretch and relax.

User_female Pakka


Document Re: Do you prefer random positions or routines in yoga practice? Skrevet 7. januar 2009 13.58
3759 Fra: Stockholm
Innlegg: 8
Medlem: 3759

I prefer random positions in my yoga practice, I think it's nice to add something to the program or change some of the positions now and then.

User_female wheelforce


Document Re: Do you prefer random positions or routines in yoga practice? Skrevet 7. januar 2009 16.57
Koeix2p1elcgg4skg4o8 Fra: Umeå
Innlegg: 9
Medlem: 23391

i prefer both. It´s good with a routine that you can do everyday. But if they are longer classes I want them to be more random.


User ashtanga


Document Re: Do you prefer random positions or routines in yoga practice? Skrevet 1. juli 2009 18.41
35959 Fra: Stenungsund
Innlegg: 7
Medlem: 35959

I do the same yoga routine, but when I dont have alot of time I do the ones that feels right for the moment, or the ones I need to practice on more...

But I think its moore important to train regular, than how you do your practice.

Ohm shanti!

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