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ManAlex Jensen, 31year , Detroit, United States

alex.jensen42@protonmail.com's Blog

12 routines to exercise in the office

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When it comes to exercise, we always look for an excuse, and lack of time is undoubtedly the one we use the most. We spend a lot of time in the office, it even ends up becoming our second home, but a sedentary lifestyle causes direct damage to our health. Neither time nor work is an excuse for not exercising.

The importance of exercising after a sedentary working day
It is estimated that the average person spends six to eight hours of their day in front of the computer, something that undoubtedly affects your health. One of those is posture - when we sit, not all of us can maintain it properly. You may not notice any discomfort at first, but over time it will begin to surface. And overuse of the same muscles can trigger so-called "repetitive strain injuries."

"When you use the computer, the most active muscles are primarily those in your hands and wrists. This means that the main muscles of the body are still for most of the day," say experts. I know this myself, as I am a freelance writer (currently writing for https://www.wowessays.com/), and my whole day consists of sitting in front of a monitor. You can't even imagine the amount of pain I feel at the end of my workday...

Believe it or not, you can break the sedentary lifestyle and routine in your office by exercising practically and effortlessly. Experts point out that for the body to be free of tension, it is necessary to perform mobilization and stretching exercises throughout the day.

The benefits are:

  • They facilitate physical and mental relaxation, which means combating fatigue, tension, and stress.

  • They create an awareness of self-care and the possibility to use this mix of techniques when needed: mobilize - stretch - relax.

  • They help to relax all muscle groups contracted by prolonged sitting. They help to eliminate pain for a healthier back.

What can you do?
There are several exercises you can do to relieve tension:

  1. Desk push-ups. This triceps exercise can be performed almost anywhere, including your cubicle. Using a sturdy desk or chair that doesn't have casters, sit with your hands on the edge, feet planted on the floor a step or two away from the table or chair. Straighten your arms to raise your body, then bend them to a 90-degree angle so your body "dips." Hold for two seconds and straighten again while keeping your body elevated on your support. Perform 8 to 10 repetitions, always with your back straight.

  2. Calf raises. Instead of moving your feet aimlessly due to anxiety, focus on working your calf. When seated, try to stand up without lifting off the balls of your feet, tense your calf for two seconds, then release. Repeat several times. You can increase the difficulty a little by putting your bin under your feet and supporting only your toes' tips in the same way. Perform 10 to 12 repetitions.

  3. Squat. Find an empty meeting room. Get into the deep squat position and push yourself as hard as you can, as if you were jumping for joy at the great news. Perform this exercise for four to six repetitions.

  4. The kick. Sitting in your chair, stretch and bend your legs. Force yourself to slow down when your legs reach 90 degrees. You can do the same with your arms. You'll see how this exercise will turn your arm into a shapely bicep with time.

  5. Low impact lunges. Raise your right arm and touch the toe of your left foot to the other side at the same time. Keep your right foot on the floor—alternate sides for one minute.

  6. Chair push-ups. Place palms on chair and feet on the floor. Move your butt off the edge of the seat. Slowly bend elbows and lower body. Stretch arms to return to starting position.

  7. Back twists. Sitting in a chair, place the right arm behind the right hip. Turn to the right and hold the position. Alternate to both sides. Lean back against a wall and move feet away from the wall. Bend at the knees. The wall should be supporting the weight of the back. Hold the position as long as possible.

  8. Neck rotations. Lower the chin and rotate the neck. Lift chin and tilt neck to each side.

  9. Hand stretches. Tighten and relax the muscles in your hands. Make a fist, extend fingers and bend fingers.

  10. Weights with water bottles. Do overhead or front raises and biceps curls: the bigger the bottle, the more complex the exercise.

  11. Wrist extensions. Stretch one arm forward with the palm facing upwards. With the other hand, grasp the fingers and pull down slightly to stretch the forearm. Especially useful for people who use the computer keyboard a lot.

  12. Leg extensions. Sitting on a chair, extend your right leg until it is level with your hip. Hold the position as long as you can, and then relax your leg. Alternate to both sides.

"Exercise is the key that will help you reactivate and forget about sleep," says Benjamín Paredes, Pan-American marathon runner and sports professor; he recommends a routine that you can do during your working hours.

How do I combat sleepiness and tiredness in the office?
Even for this, there is a solution: experts recommend applying the following tips to combat sleepiness and tiredness in the office to complete your activities successfully. So take note:

  • Stretch: Stretching exercises reactivate circulation and your energy. You can massage your temples or the palms of your hands, or follow these steps: Standing sideways in your chair, with your arm straight out, touch the edge of your chair, bringing your other arm over your head, and stretching as far as you can. Repeat eight times.

  • Talk: A short chat with a colleague will relax you and activate your physical and mental functions. But don't overdo it; about five minutes is enough.

  • Take a walk: take a break for five minutes to go for a walk and breathe deeply; this will help oxygenate your brain and reactivate your mind and body to return and concentrate on your work.

  • Ingest endorphins: a little dark chocolate won't do you any harm because by stimulating your nervous system, you will wake up and give you a little energy, thanks to the production of endorphins.

  • Nap: eat a little faster than usual and use about 15 minutes to take a short rest to recharge your energy.

  • Yawn: don't repress this activity, but do it discreetly.

A study by scientists at Cambridge University suggests that sleepiness after eating is due to the brain not activating orexin neurons properly; to stimulate them and feel energized after a heavy meal, consume amino acids. These are found in proteins: eggs, fish, meat, nuts, and cereals.

In a study, Harvard Medical School, Rush University Medical Center, and Brigham and Women's Hospital show that low doses of caffeine extend throughout the sleepless period, allowing the body to stay more alert, which has a longer-lasting effect, according to a report in Health 180.


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Written 162 weeks ago