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Kvinnaamy hogan, 0year , American Samoa

amyhogann@protonmail.com's Blog

Some Useful Tips To Maintain A Coffee Maker

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"I invested in the highest rated coffee maker, and it looks clean all the time. There is no need to clean it regularly" Believe me, it's dirtier than you think. Only washing the carafe won't get rid of all dirt and the remaining coffee.

Coffee Maker Reviews

Do you need more information to take care of your coffee machine regularly?

Here is it:

According to a survey, 50% of your household machines contain mold and yeast, and even the best coffee maker is one of them. This type of device has more germs than an average bathroom faucet handle.

Wash all removable parts after every use

Every time you make coffee, there is a lot of coffee, grinds, and oil leftover. If you leave these things for the next coffee session, it will affect the coffee taste. The best way to remove these things is to clean it with a mixture of soapy warm water. It's better to wash it thoroughly with your hands, but it's also safe to use a dishwasher.

Don't just focus on the inside. You need to take care of the outside as well; for example, spills can burn on the warming plate.

GERMS LIKE MOISTURE. Thus, open the water reservoir lid so it can dry completely.

Top Rated Coffee Makers

Decalcify the coffee maker every month

One day, if you see that your coffee machine needs a lot of time to drip, it would be because there is buildup of hard water minerals inside. If you want your model to work as well as the original machine, you should cleanse and decalcify it.

But how?

White vinegar is a great solution.

Of course, it's not simple to use vinegar only. Let me show you the guide:

First, pour the mixture of water and white vinegar into the reservoir, then put a paper filter into the basket. Place the pot of coffee in place and turn on the machine to brew the mixture halfway. After 30 minutes, you can turn off the coffee maker.

You need to turn on the coffee machine one more time to fill the pot with vinegar and water.

Finally, you have to rinse everything by placing in a new paper filter and making a pot of clean water. It's better to repeat this step once.

Clean your carafe

Make sure to clean your carafe every time you make coffee. However, if you haven't washed your carafe after a pretty long time, it might take more effort to clean it. Make a mixture of a little rice, sudsy warm water and get rid of debris with a scrub sponge.

In general, even the Best Rated Coffee Makers also need to be taken care of frequently. If not, you might have to buy a new one just after a short time of use. Are my tips useful? Do you have other good ideas to add to this list? Don’t hesitate to let me know by leaving a comment.

Thank you for reading until the end. Happ drinking coffee!



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Written 169 weeks ago