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TEgge Link Blog

ManTim Egge, 44year , Launceston, Australia

TEgge's Blog

I chose work over fitness

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Since November last year, my business has swallowed nearly every waking hour of my life, causing me to gain 14kg.  I new my fitness gas gone to the pack but nothing prepared me for the ride I did yesterday with a friend.


I want to get my fitness back as every time I look at myself in the mirror or think of my current fitness levels I become depressed.


I went for a 70km ride on Wednesday.  My seed was a lot slower then I was hopping it would be.  Thursday I arranged to go for a ride with a friend.  This ride has become my motivation to get stuck rite back into it again.  My friend has always struggled to stay on my rear wheel every time we have gone for a cycle, but this time he just moped the floor with me.


Many times he had to slow to wait for me as I puff and pant. I really did struggle just keeping a normal speed of 25km/ph. 

 At the moment I am weighing in at 94kg and I am aiming for my old weight of 80kg.  The ride with my friend has awoken me from this obsession of work over my own fitness.  Sometimes you need a wake up call to get you going again and I have received mine.
Written 829 weeks ago